Empowered Health Coaching/Consulting


You are motivated. You want to feel better, stronger, and more resilient. You can with the right support and resources. 

You don’t need to struggle with a plan that was designed for someone else. An individualized health consult considers your medical history, your goals, your lifestyle and preferences. Recommendations are individualized to your needs.

Consults are single sessions designed to provide an expert opinion. We provide education and options for moving closer to your best health.

Consults can be followed by ongoing health coaching to support your efforts, assess and adjust the action plan to best meet your needs. This may include guidance and support in a variety of forms, depending on your goals and priorities:

  • Create your dream team that helps you optimize health and fitness
  • Set realistic goals that you can achieve in the short-term so that you can celebrate your successes and build confidence
  • Adjust your plan so that you can continue to progress toward long-term goals
  • Feel empowered to make informed decisions about your health
  • Develop a plan for set-backs to promote resilience
  • Customize an exercise/movement program for your needs and goals
  • Discover movement that feels good!
  • Progress your strength, stability and endurance skillfully to minimize flare-ups or a boom/bust cycle that sets you back
  • Explore techniques that prime your body for recovery, repair and resilience: breathing and mindfulness practices; cultivating joy and sense of purpose; vagus nerve stimulation
  • Identify holistic support strategies that have been found to increase anti-inflammatory mechanisms: gratitude practice; journaling; yoga therapy or mindful movement; diet/nutrition
  • Navigate a challenging healthcare system to find the support you need
  • Be heard, seen and validated in your concerns about your health
  • Befriend your body: learn how to work with your body and interpret its signals as important messages that indicate underlying needs

Please note that Online Health Coaching/Consultation is an out-of-pocket expense that is not reimbursable by insurance. Eliminating a 3rd party payer gives us freedom to focus on what you need, rather than what your insurance will pay for. This is a wellness service that is not regulated by state practice acts. We can go outside of the box of traditional care to co-create a plan that works for you.

For individuals, initial Health Consult rates are $175/hour. After booking an online session below, you will be emailed an extensive intake form that I will review before we meet. Health Consults include a follow-up email with recommendations for action items to support your health goals.

Follow-up sessions and packages are available below:

Book an initial consult (virtual, 60 min with Dr Catherine Lewan)

Book a follow-up session (virtual, 55 min with Dr Catherine Lewan)

Set up monthly follow-ups on autopay (virtual, 55 min with Dr Catherine Lewan)


Feel free to  contact me if:

  • You have scheduling needs that don't align with my calendar openings
  • You are local to Charleston, SC and are interested in mobile concierge in-person services (pricing will vary based on location)

*If you are seeking a diagnosis of hypermobility, please note that I review the diagnostic criteria for hypermobile spectrum disorders/hypermobile EDS with my clients to determine if they may be eligible for this diagnosis. hEDS diagnosis requires that other medical conditions be ruled out, so it is advised that this portion of the diagnostic process be completed by an MD. 

Coming soon:

  • Health Consults may be available with Dr. Richard Lewan, MD, who has more than 4 decades of experience as a primary care physician. He has a unique perspective as someone who has seen many patients with rare/unusual/misunderstood clinical diagnoses. Recently retired from medical practice, he now focuses on advocating for competent and coordinated care for those experiencing difficulty navigating the healthcare system. Please schedule an initial Health Consult with Dr. Catherine Lewan PT to determine if you may benefit from Dr. Richard Lewan MD’s services.
  • Group programs


I took a course from you a couple years ago about using pilates/yoga with geriatric patients. You presented the material in a smooth, understandable, and engaging way. I was just getting into yoga at the time, and you helped spur me onward into that wonderful realm. I am currently going over, again, the workbook from that course. Just wanted you to know that you helped to re-energize an old physical therapist’s practice of his profession, and continue to influence in a very positive way the outcomes of all my patient interactions. I offer you my sincere gratitude.

– Stan

Catherine kept the material fun to learn throughout the whole day! She is an impressive presenter! The whole course was well organized and had great handouts.

– Anna L

“This was a great course, I think all therapists should attend. It is time for more focused attention to incontinence (and associated fall risk) in SNF/LTC and outpatient populations. I am so grateful I was able to attend and will be able to work this into our current rehab programs. “

Catherine has a very effective style, and is open to questions. She is very knowledgable, with good visuals, hands-on instruction, and example exercises. Great course! Thank you!

-Chris V

Catherine is very engaging, passionate about getting her message across, and has a good sense of humor. Her course was fun and useful.


This instructor is great! I will be taking more courses with her. She has the ability to communicate information in an interesting manner. I think this is the best instructor I have ever taken a (continuing education) class with!

– Janet L

Catherine is an energetic, bright, and passionate facilitator. She makes class fun and enjoyable!

Very clear, inspirational and motivational. Passionate about her subject. Great teacher and course!

-Beth B

Excellent speaker with a nice balance of lecture, lab, and shared case scenarios.

-Julie D