To book a physical therapy appointment:

Please email directly to book a telehealth appointment. Dr. Lewan is licensed to practice physical therapy in IL and SC. Patients must be in the state of IL or SC at the time of appointment. Appointments are cash-based and out-of-network for all insurances. Superbills can be provided upon request.


To book a health consulation:

If have specific questions about your health and would like Dr. Lewan to review your case and make individualized recommendations, please book an online consultation.


For inquiries about additional services, including  professional mentoring, yoga therapy, group classes, workshops or continuing education:

Inquiries may contact


For inquiries about providers in your area who specialize in hypermobility/EDS, please see the EDS Society healthcare provider directory.

For inquiries about providers in your area who specialize in dysautonomia/POTS, please see the Dysautonomia International healthcare provider directory.

For inquiries about providers in your area who specialize in pelvic health, please see the APTA PT Locator.